Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pumpkin Soup, Kate Nash

Since it has been cold outside, I have been reading more than I usually do:

Another book I have been perusing is:

It is slightly biased, but let's face it, no one can be completely un-biased. But it has a mirror cover which I love!

Anywho it's various celebrities, editors, authors, and athlete's perceptions of the power of voting, information about how America functions, or memories of their first experience in voting (parents, or 4th grade election). The book is geared towards young people, and is sponsored by
Declare Yourself, a non-profit, non-partisan, group that encourages today's youth to vote.

In particular I enjoyed reading the following perspectives because it provided information that they are smart and brought viewpoints to consider, or need some additional time in the library, not wikipedia:

Maya Angelou
Tyra Banks
Editors of the Onion
Lauren Conrad
Mark Ritchie (MN's secretary of State)
Atoosa Rubenstein (Former Editor of Seventeen Magazine, seen on ANTM)
Holly Shulman (works to end Domestic abuse)
Marcellus Wiley (Football Athlete)
Meg Cabot (Author of princess diaries)

Either way you think, it is important to vote. I


Angela's Crazy Daily's said...

I think I should read that book! Although I am so frustrated with politics and everyone being so admit about who they are voting for! I am declaring myself as the first Switzerland!

Angela's Crazy Daily's said...
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