Disneyland Kicks all others to the curb hands down. I love the smells, the feeling, the cleanliness, the high priced souvenoir, their hoodies, the Shows (HSM Schools out, Aladdin), the rides (Matterhorn, Tower of Terror, Buzz Lightyear, Splash Mtn, California Screamin etc), and the cast members (fun to push their buttons).
My goal is to get into club 33.
Its $7,500 a year with two free Premium passes (you can go into the park any day of the year)!
The movie Secret Garden Hallmark Edition ( I didn't get why everyone died at the beginning, and why she didn't see the garden from her windows, and how the wheel chair survived the garden... they were wooden wheels!)
I like:
Ivy on buildings
The smell of flowers
Fresh fruit
Summer parties
Reading outside
Getting a Tan
Discovering new summer places
~~On a side note I wish I could have seen this! Mara Wilson (Matilda) was Cinderella!~~~
I love this song, and all those who have sung it as a cover. I think the message is important as well. In today's world I find that most people are not willing to stand up for their message, ideas, friends, family, and whatever else might come up. People these days are really flaky, do not know where to turn, or how long they can trust someone! I know in my own life, I have incredible friends and family that encourage me and teach me everyday. Sometimes when I am down, I think of their laughs, the cries we had, and the crazy madhouse moments.... and I start to cheer up. I think it is through our emotions (laughing, crying, anger, happiness, love) that we really connect with one another.
Today I attended the Chelsea Clinton meeting that was in support of her mom. Reason why I went, is I am trying to be an informed voter. I also am a huge supporter of the fact of putting yourself on the line in front of the American public! Chelsea did great, and was very convincing. I got a sign to put up in my room, because let's face it, Hilary Clinton is the first woman to run for President! She is Popular Culture Icon. Chelsea Clinton stands by her mom, and was honest about her mothers issues. At one point when asked a question, Chelsea replied she did not know where her mother stood. That takes total courage, especially in todays critical society.
What the title? Not sure if I have listened to this song before. Its interesting though.
I have a heart that's for sure. I feel a lot, and cry, laugh, and hope, and smile, and feel crushed. To think about the physical pumping heart is amazing. It's ever so small, and provides life to my body. I would like to think that there is a gigantic geometric Heart in me as well that holds all my emotions. Sometimes I like to pretend that it gets super big or breaks much like the Grinch's Heart. And let it be known that I hate Valentine's day, except for in third grade when I made a computer to hold my classmates valentines.... and those chalk hearts you get... Gross, if you can write on the chalkboard with something, you shouldn't eat it. Today I heart New York and long to be there.... mainly to see a broadway show, and be on the front row of the Tyra Banks Show. She has a heart... "I have never yelled a girl like this. When my Mama yelled at me, it was because she loved me! Learn from this! "
In my own opinion, Rihanna is one of the best performers in the music industry (No she is not the best singer, dancer, or musician, but a sincere performer). I think this video proves it, if it doesn't make you go, "WOW! I wish I was there!" Then we might have a little problem.
Also to note. Sunday School was atrocious. I felt like I was teaching a history lesson, and it's not easy doing that in front of thirty, 20 year olds. I would just like to thank those that participate, and those that attempted to focus. Mad Props to all you teachers out there.
This is post two sponsored by The Cheetahs... PS later this summer their new movie filmed in India (Bollywood Style) is going to be released.
I have to teach Sunday School tomorrow, and so not excited. Once I get up there I am fine, but its the whole idea of hoping that everyone is going to participate and share comments that drives me insane. Reason being is because I really dislike the idea of connecting other's ideas and mine together. If I have ever had a conversation with you, you might realize my thoughts are not linear, but more like a collage you have to piece together, and I like it. So to teaching Sunday School, I say Bring it On!
It should also be noted that I recently watched the direct to video classic, Bring It On, In It to Win It, and think you should know it was pretty good... for the fourth presentation in the series...
Let me say this, to get it off my chest, tonight's song was not random. I chose it. The song has been on repeat for the past hour. I have been exploring it as I think, cry, type, and delete, then think some more:
Today has been very mellow, and emotion for me.
1) This morning I woke up to find something fallen from my bulletin board, where I keep some of the important mementos from my life. It was an obituary of a dear friend that died about a year ago. He was everything I wanted to be, but never could amount to. He loved to laugh, smile, and make your conversations and ideas feel important. I remember working on a seminary assembly project with him, and he was so encouraging with me trying to record an announcement on his computer. No matter how much I messed up, he just chuckled and helped me to relax.. Not to mention he Loved Pixar movies, to which I feel I need to see the new ones just for him. Ivan was brave and full of life and its endearing bliss
2) I wrote a letter to the editor where I bashed someones ideas and experiences. Granted opinions are encouraged, but I think I was too harsh, and not understanding with their own ideas.
3) There is a lot of pain in my lives as well as in the world around me, and the more I experience life, the realization comes that it will be sadder as I experience it alone. I would like to think of a smiling face every where I go, but really because I can fake it, I think the world fakes it. A true hope in my life though is that all will be okay, because it is all temporary.
4) I cried today in public staring out a window, because I realize I don't hold onto any of my past(IE Mission, High School, experiences, good times, and laughter). I am afraid I am closing in on myself, and as I looked outside I saw the cold hardened ice, and am afraid that is what my heart will become.
5) I am beautifully broken, as my friend Ashlee Simpson says... and I like that.
6) I don't want to seem like I am dead, just full of thought. So I will close with these lyrics that keep repeating:
When you feel like you are all alone Just like your best friend up and gone Don't worry now Don't worry now I've been there yeah, I know how it feels To wonder if love is even real Don't worry now Don't worry now It's gonna be ok
When I read the title of today's song, I thought of the little match girl. Weird?!
When I was in Junior High I had a difficult time. I was super tall, skinny, and had a super high voice. I had trouble making friends and stuck to my two new and best friends; a sporty in-crowder, and a girl who was his neighbor, who loved Nickelodeon and video games as much as I did. At one point, like everyone else, I was made fun of because of my Old Navy Performance Fleece jacket. I really never felt like I fit in. BUT then one day magic happened. At lunch I found 2 people who I knew from my neighborhood. They hated carrying around their backpacks, so one day I recommended (or they told me to...) carry around their backpacks during "A" Lunch for a penny ( I had to do something to buy Haribo Frogs!). So I did so. For some reason I felt really cool, or that I was apart of something.... Years later I look at this and laugh, because the people that I helped during lunch are two of my best friends. And recently one of these good friends sent this picture to me: Funny how photos bring it all back!
I still love the underdog, and feel an a connection to those that are alone, or feel that way. So next time someone is alone, shy, or looking down. Say hello and be a friend!
This artist is so fascinating! He is very creative, and should be rich. In summary he freezes a sheet a Wine, and cuts a Silhouette of Amy Winehouse. Check out his other Vids including the maze!
So something interesting about me is that I learned how to ride a bike when I was 21. Yes, some of us are late starters. If there was one lesson I learned, it was that I was not going to give up. For some reason riding a bike had never been a desire as a child. When my friends would want to go out to lunch at the local Burger King, or Golden Spoon, I just walked/ran beside them.
For me riding a bike has been one of my top accomplishments. It proved who I am, and tested me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. At one point as I attempted to pedal over a cobblestone road, I slammed into a Gray Camry because I was staring at it on my left. It hurt, but now I look back and laugh.
Really that is what life is about, not Giving up. Things are tough, but guess what that's life. Every once in a while we slam into something, but really we only get up and laugh as we venture on down the road.
Tonight was interesting. I watched the PCTV (Park City TV) for over two hours. It was all sundance, parties, snowboarding, and a day in the life of Method Man. It was very interesting, and shocking. Tonight I realized that the life style shown is the one I yearn to live, which makes me question what I think in life is important. Granted I KNOW and FEEL my where I stand and where I will always stand, but it somehow is inviting. I am also reading Celebrity Detox. Very interesting because I can see both points of view expressed in the book, and the addiction that "hollywood" can be. I for one have that addiction, as can be seen in most conversations I have. This week my goal is to give greater meaning to my life, by not talking about the shallow events of the world, and focusing on my reality. Time to break the illusion.
Note: This post is not meant to be depressing, or cause insight into greater issues. I just think it is interesting that one poignant vignette can reflect something in our life.
I saw the movie this weekend. It was okay, I think it was too "chick-y" for me to understand. I generally enjoy a chick flick. But there is a "bridging the gap" scene that I was the only one laughing at in the theatre... and it was my loud outburst laugh.... when something is really funny.
Anywho as I watched the movie I remembered this photo from a wedding I attended in San Diego (click on the pic for greater detail!):
You know what I am sick of what you call enjoyment! Winter is purely just a season for depression, lack of fun, and cold temperatures. I want the sandy warmth of the beach blissed sun. Do you think when you are old and famous that you will be able to buy a beach house that your friends can visit? I hope so otherwise, please take my off your mailing list.
Mr West, is a musical genius, although he can be conterversial. Today I am blogging from school, and I can't help but look out the window, and see the snow flutter down. My thoughts then drifted from the white essence, to music videos in the snow. This then brought the idea of dancing. I love to dance to pop music. So You Think You Can Dance is coming to Salt Lake. I thought about asking someone to audition, just so they can see themselves dance and see how awkward it is. This brings up a story:
One high school dance I went with several kids in my neighborhood. It was interesting because one of the guys shuffled his way on the dance floor. His entire movement was step left, step right. Step Left, Step right. There was no other movement. Drove me crazy!
I was planning on posting my One Republic experience, but thanks to the random song generated, I am going to post just pictures. Maybe one day I will post it, AND YES I have already written it.
I love this show and music... It's important to be Wicked, I started reading the book, and had to put it down after reading about puppet sex.
Anywho oday I felt like I was Defying Gravity. I got that feeling I get when something magical happens. IE Disneyland, Winning Duff meet and greets twice! (Once I didnt go), Meeting Nelly Furtado, laughing really hard with friends, Same thoughts as your friends without saying anything, love.
Today I won One Republic Meet and Greet passes. A friend entered alot, and we both don't know them well, but want to go! So we are going to meet Teddy and Friends!
The one question I will ask is:
"Is it true that you are working with Kelly Clarkson, and is she releasing a new Album this Year?"
I have to say as much as I like the Cheetah Girls (aka 3LW), this has to be their worst song.
Lately I have been feeling just to get away to somewhere semi-warm. I love the warm sun on my skin, as I listen to music, and just relaxing in the sun. I can only imagine how I will feel by Spring Break!
Since no requests were made, I have written a poem:
Love Sponsors the Sahara
Travel to
find the route to
your heart.
Broken down, with the emergencys on,
Look at the map and am lost. All I see is the wind swept desert,
Thanks Rihanna, Interestingly enough what you might think this song is about, you don't.
Anywho I have the "Question Existing," based on several experiences I had tonight:
1) I got out of work tonight and start driving, and hear the Thud, Thud, Thud rolling behind me. I get out and sure enough I have a flat tire. I started getting angry and frustrated, because I;
A) Don't Remember how to change the tire.
B) Was really looking forward to the dance.
C) Just wanted to get out of the windy cold (I work out in the West side of New York, Utah!)
So thankfully I called a friend and received numerous tidbits of advice on what to do... Several, tidbits, and they were patient the entire time, and didn't appear frustrated.... To which I am thankful, and must learn from them.
After changing the tire I roll out of the parking lot, and start driving past the spanish mall, Ghetto, and the back roads.
I eventually make it home, when I get a call to change a physical feature. I got pissed... I immediately hung up the phone and cut off the conversation. I felt much like a backstabbing Brutus to Caesar, "Et Tu Brutus?"
The fact of the situation is that I secretly want to change my hair color, and its on my list, but I have had enough change in the past week, and feeling tired from it.
The biggest change this past week is that I decided I finally felt comfortable "in this skin" but really am starting to feel the opposite.
So on and on, the tire keeps rolling, and occasionally we all get stuck with a flat. Take time to change it, and you will be able to keep rolling onto your destination.
(FROM HOLLYWOOD REPORTER) – High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens is starring in Walden Media's coming-of-age dramedy Will, which actor-turned-director Todd Graff is helming from a script he wrote with Josh Cagan.The story is about two high school teens, one a male outcast and one an A-crowd popular girl. The two form an unlikely friendship through a love of music and form a band to compete in their school's battle of the bands competition. Hudgens will play a 15-year-old former stutterer who still speaks slowly and becomes romantically involved with the outcast.Shooting is scheduled to start next month. Hudgens will shoot the third installment of High School Musical this summer.
Okay, first of all is Christina Aguilera really spanish, or a poser spanish? With that idea out of the way I can address the idea of having a Genie. If I had one I would wish for these three wishes:
1) Everyone I wanted to come on tour, would come on tour to my city, and I would be front row.
2) That everyone could laugh at the same time, and the world would be unified.
3) I would be able to grant some elses 3 wishes.
So what do you wish for?
If you need an idea watch this Vid: Its less than 30 secs!
This post is going to be short. But I wanted to emphasize two points brought up by Gwen Stefani:
1) I dedicate this song to my best friends. This song reminds me of you, and at one point in my life this song made me tear up because of it.
"And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends, After all that we've been through I know we're cool!"
2) Today was snowy, "cool," and COLD! I trudged around today and almost slipped. But I did enjoy a lengthy chat with a friend. Made me happy and realize that the snow is enjoyable when you have someone to enjoy it with.
Euros? Dollars? Pounds? Gisele Bundchen insists she's perfectly happy with them all, again denying reports that the Brazilian supermodel is shunning the weak U.S. dollar in favor of European currency.
Bundchen — known to U.S. sports fans as the girlfriend of quarterback Tom Brady — has been struggling for months to knock down recurring reports that she insists on being paid in euros, which have been rising against the dollar. "The story of the euro is a lie," she told the Brazilian newspaper O Globo in comments published Wednesday. "I work with many international companies, I earn salaries in different currencies, that's all."
Nicole Scherzinger... good element to the PCD, but is definitely not a solo singer. She happened to be in Eden's Crush, and sang one of my faves "What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander."
Today I laughed hysterically! In one of my classes we have assigned seating and I have the "opportunity" to sit next to aSTOUTlocal celebrity. He made jokes the entire time, and made class really entertaining.
Anywho there are some days I feel like a supervillian. Such is the case when I get in one of my moods (as seen last night). I often try to put others first in all aspects of my life, but last night I decided I could care less about them. I apologize for that, and will make up for it, by entertaining them with a laugh or smile.
Back to supervillians, sometimes at work, I am a ruthless Customer service representative. If a customer is a super complainer, or demanding, I will play dumb and not help them out. I often feel that the beasts of the world get more than the humble lambs. So I try to balance the equation out, by dishing it back.
Also I tend to be a supervillian when it comes to board games. This came about thanks to my "two year experience." When ever I played a board game (monopoly, life, sorry, connect four, if I didn't win, I would get heated and hold a grudge towards that person. So now I only play childish games... and the wii.
Today was a fascinating day, almost movie like. Today was the first day of school, and I loved it. This semester I love my teachers because they actually want us to learn, rather than "get a grade." Also I received a wonderful gift:
So one of the textbooks I have to get is a MCOMM textbook that costs $120 used.... I was not looking forward to it, because textbooks are simply a waste of money, because of their prices. Anywho as I walked into a building on campus I saw a co-worker and stopped to talk to him. Next to him was a recylce bin for students to recycle their textbooks at the end of the semester. As we chatted about various teachers in the COMM department, I glanced in the bin and saw this:
I was overjoyed! It even had the CDROM required for assignments. I have to think that maybe I had good karma because I am extending myself personally in classes. Today I introduced myself to several people I would not normally say hello to or even mention my name. I guess you could say I am breaking free. Lately I am doing this more and more. I tend to get nervous and not extend myself when I am around people I know, but when I am tossed in the deep, I swim on my own.
Maybe that is my goal this year, to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.... to lose a little part of me with everyone...
PS thought this was worth posting, because I have a "friend" who did something similar, but not the same way:
A woman apologized Friday for a "bad decision" in helping her 6-year-old daughter win tickets to a Hannah Montana concert with an essay that falsely claimed the girl's father died in Iraq. Priscilla Ceballos said she had not intended to mislead the contest sponsor but got caught up in helping her daughter "realize her dream of seeing Hannah Montana." "Instead I brought so much negative attention to my family," Ceballos said, reading a statement on the "Today" show. "Please accept my heartfelt apology and please do not punish my child for my mistake." Ceballos apologized specifically to the military and military families for falsely claiming the girl's father died in a roadside bombing in Iraq. "I just wanted to help my daughter write a compelling story," she said. "There is no more compelling story than the struggle and sacrifices of our military and their families."
The essay won her the grand prize: airfare for four to Albany, N.Y., and four tickets to the sold-out Hannah Montana concert Jan. 9. The opening line in the essay was: "My daddy died this year in Iraq." Ceballos admitted later in the day to store officials that the essay and the military information she provided about her daughter's father were untrue.
Today was a seriously crazy day! It all started when I got super stressed because I had to fulfill my calling and pass out brochures. Thanks to some ultimate help I was able to do so... only to find out moments later that I would be teaching a group of 75ish 20 year olds about my beliefs and my viewpoints on The Book of Mormon.
It's not easy especially when I have a hard time staying focused in the now, and connecting my thoughts.... but through it all I saw some success. I was able to really bear my soul, thoughts, and ideas. Sharing what's inside is very difficult because I really want to appear perfect, even when I know it's not possible, but I still try. Also I don't share because I am afraid it will be used against me. Sad but true, I am fake.. but not.... but I am.
Anywho I am not sure why I shared the above story... perhaps its because I was trying to love me... but not... but I am.
So what would you do if you really loved someone?
Purchase them cranberry juice?
Present a Bookmark?
Share your soul?
Go back to black? - Amy Winehouse Ref-
I find it important to note that I am concerned about B.S. aka Britney Spears. I really think she is caught up in her own game, created by her, and the paparazzi. I really think that if she continues on the path she is on, she or someone close (those who are in the same surroundings as her aka pedestrians, paparazzi, etc) will die, or get in a major accident. Sad but true. I really think that we shouldn't even think she is "horrible" or "unruly" after all, are any of us? We all have our own drama, flaws, and bad behavior. But makes hers worse than ours? Thoughts and my karma are with her, and I am a believer that comes from the stars above us.
First to note is why I still have this song on my computer is not very clear to me! For starters this does not even sound like A*Teens, and the song purely is atrocious. It clearly has more than 2 guys and the song is too repetitive, and under produced.... It does feature a key change though!
On a lighter bubbly note, I love pop music. Ever since my early years of listening to the Imagination Station, I have been obsessed. From the early Olsen Twins to Colbie Caillat, I love it all. And yes there are genres within the pop genre.
Here is who I like to pop, lock and jam to. Kelly Clarkson Sugababes Celine Dion Christina Aguilera Disney Artists Hilary Duff Avril Lavigne Nelly Furtado Ashlee Simpson Eden's Crush Aly and AJ Britney Spears Dashboard Confessional
New Year, New addiction right? Yeah I am like that... rather than deleting things from my plate I tend to add more. (Not to mention I have always wanted a blog).
K so what is this blog about?
I started this so I might be a fellow blogger. This blog is about uncovering things, in life, on the net, and in the world around us. I got the title from a haiku I wrote in my creative writing class:
Restless stream running
Small pebble uncovered
The sunrise of love
Let me explain how this blog works. The titles to each entry are set in stone by the lyrics from a song I put on random. Today's happens to be "Crash" by Gwen Stefani. The title will set the topic of each blog entry. So it's quite fitting...
Also as a note Sunday entries will be entered as requests (song titles or artists please)!
* Editors note: There might be a few retractions in this policy!