Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Never Gonna Give Up, Jennifer Lopez

So something interesting about me is that I learned how to ride a bike when I was 21. Yes, some of us are late starters. If there was one lesson I learned, it was that I was not going to give up. For some reason riding a bike had never been a desire as a child. When my friends would want to go out to lunch at the local Burger King, or Golden Spoon, I just walked/ran beside them.

For me riding a bike has been one of my top accomplishments. It proved who I am, and tested me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. At one point as I attempted to pedal over a cobblestone road, I slammed into a Gray Camry because I was staring at it on my left. It hurt, but now I look back and laugh.

Really that is what life is about, not Giving up. Things are tough, but guess what that's life. Every once in a while we slam into something, but really we only get up and laugh as we venture on down the road.

What has been your biggest accomplishment?


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