Sunday, January 6, 2008

"When You Really Love Someone" Alicia Keys

Today was a seriously crazy day! It all started when I got super stressed because I had to fulfill my calling and pass out brochures. Thanks to some ultimate help I was able to do so... only to find out moments later that I would be teaching a group of 75ish 20 year olds about my beliefs and my viewpoints on The Book of Mormon.

It's not easy especially when I have a hard time staying focused in the now, and connecting my thoughts.... but through it all I saw some success. I was able to really bear my soul, thoughts, and ideas. Sharing what's inside is very difficult because I really want to appear perfect, even when I know it's not possible, but I still try. Also I don't share because I am afraid it will be used against me. Sad but true, I am fake.. but not.... but I am.

Anywho I am not sure why I shared the above story... perhaps its because I was trying to love me... but not... but I am.

So what would you do if you really loved someone?

Purchase them cranberry juice?

Present a Bookmark?

Share your soul?

Go back to black? - Amy Winehouse Ref-

I find it important to note that I am concerned about B.S. aka Britney Spears. I really think she is caught up in her own game, created by her, and the paparazzi. I really think that if she continues on the path she is on, she or someone close (those who are in the same surroundings as her aka pedestrians, paparazzi, etc) will die, or get in a major accident. Sad but true. I really think that we shouldn't even think she is "horrible" or "unruly" after all, are any of us? We all have our own drama, flaws, and bad behavior. But makes hers worse than ours? Thoughts and my karma are with her, and I am a believer that comes from the stars above us.


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