Friday, January 18, 2008

All Falls Down, Kanye West

Mr West, is a musical genius, although he can be conterversial. Today I am blogging from school, and I can't help but look out the window, and see the snow flutter down. My thoughts then drifted from the white essence, to music videos in the snow. This then brought the idea of dancing. I love to dance to pop music. So You Think You Can Dance is coming to Salt Lake. I thought about asking someone to audition, just so they can see themselves dance and see how awkward it is. This brings up a story:

One high school dance I went with several kids in my neighborhood. It was interesting because one of the guys shuffled his way on the dance floor. His entire movement was step left, step right. Step Left, Step right. There was no other movement. Drove me crazy!

What is your least favorite dance move?


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