Friday, January 11, 2008

Question Existing?

Thanks Rihanna, Interestingly enough what you might think this song is about, you don't.

Anywho I have the "Question Existing," based on several experiences I had tonight:

1) I got out of work tonight and start driving, and hear the Thud, Thud, Thud rolling behind me. I get out and sure enough I have a flat tire. I started getting angry and frustrated, because I;

A) Don't Remember how to change the tire.

B) Was really looking forward to the dance.

C) Just wanted to get out of the windy cold (I work out in the West side of New York, Utah!)

So thankfully I called a friend and received numerous tidbits of advice on what to do... Several, tidbits, and they were patient the entire time, and didn't appear frustrated.... To which I am thankful, and must learn from them.

After changing the tire I roll out of the parking lot, and start driving past the spanish mall, Ghetto, and the back roads.

I eventually make it home, when I get a call to change a physical feature. I got pissed... I immediately hung up the phone and cut off the conversation. I felt much like a backstabbing Brutus to Caesar, "Et Tu Brutus?"

The fact of the situation is that I secretly want to change my hair color, and its on my list, but I have had enough change in the past week, and feeling tired from it.

The biggest change this past week is that I decided I finally felt comfortable "in this skin" but really am starting to feel the opposite.

So on and on, the tire keeps rolling, and occasionally we all get stuck with a flat. Take time to change it, and you will be able to keep rolling onto your destination.


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