Friday, July 18, 2008

The Thing About Love, Alicia Keys

I have to say good karma and hard work came in very handy yesterday.

All week while I am work, I have been trying to win Alicia Keys tickets, because let's face it.... paying $75-$100 for a singular artist in concert is not worth it, unless it is someone incredible aka Celine and a select few others.

Anywho yesterday was a somewhat blah day, one in which I did not feel sad or happy. I was just sitting on the emotional fence. Well as I was listening the DJ made the announcement to be caller 10 to win tickets. I picked up my cell phone and dialed. Busy. I called again. Busy. The third time I called it started ringing. My first thought was that I would be caller 11, the person after the free tickets.

The next thing I know is, "107.9 The Mix." I then ask if I was caller 10, and sure enough I was! I proceeded to *quietly scream* and question the DJ about my winning, all the while my co-workers laughed.

Lesson Learned: When you focus on something you really want and work hard to get it, Karma and blessings from above pour out so that you receive your desire (if it's good).


MollyEmma said...

Lesson that song. Good job, B-rett. You're the bestest. KARMA!!!!!!!

KYLe said...

I love that nervous excitement you experience when you are telling the DJ your info and your heart is pounding and you're praying that your phone doesn't lose its signal.

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