Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Truthfully, Lisa Loeb

I have a love for singer-songwriters. They know what the song is about, and sing it well.

So within the past week the idea of truthfully saying something has been in the media lately. Eliot Spitzer had a troubled past which brought about his resignation. Also Tyra had a segment "Say This, or Say That." She helped people with problems do the right thing. For example a girl had a hard time saying the right thing. So Tyra taught her that if someone asks if the jeans make her friend look fat to say, "That's just not a good cut on you." Also you have a current game show measuring one's truth for entertainment. If they answer falsely we automatically know.... And with their answers they do not always get to explain the reasoning behind their answer.

Which brings up the question; Should telling the black and white truth be told so one can win half a million dollars, even if it hurts someone?


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