Monday, March 24, 2008

Book of the Month

I just finished How Starbucks Saved My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else and all I can say is wow life is great! I really liked the fact that the book involved snippets of his childhood and how he addressed his perception on African-Americans. I recommend this book to one who enjoys Starbucks and who enjoy a good true life story based on change.

Publisher Weekly Snippet.
A Yale education led to a job at prestigious J. Walter Thompson Advertising. But at 63, the younger Gill's sweet life has gone sour. Long fired from JWT, his own business is collapsing and an ill-advised affair has resulted in a new son and a divorce. At this low point, and in need of health insurance for a just diagnosed brain tumor, Gill fills out an application for Starbucks and is assigned to the store on 93rd and Broadway in New York City, staffed primarily by African-Americans. Working as a barista, Gill, who is white, gets an education in race relations and the life of a working class Joe.


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