Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Party Up, Hilary Duff

Everyone loves to party, and it always seems that the party revolves around food. Sometimes its going out and later snacking on pazooki, eating 7-layer-bean dip, other times it is a southern dinner, and sometimes it's navajo Tacos. I have had my eye on something the past couple months, and today I decided that it would be a great party piece, and possibly be a reason to get together with some friends. I have never had Serendipity cocoa, but I have heard it is good.
If you have had it, is it better frozen or hot?


lpettey said...

This is the best stuff. Kyle and i have the cups and everything. It's frozen hot choc. Not hot at all. We can make it a themed party with watching serendipity and eating our frozen hot choc. That would be sweet.

Lisa P. said...

I had a serendipity party once. We watched the movie and made the frozen hot chocolate. I so want to be invited! I ordered that once. I need to do it again.

KYLe said...

Frozen is definitely better.

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