Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Man Down (Clean Edit), 50 Cent

Recently the president announced that the MTV staple, TRL (total request live), will be taken off the air in November. For some reason I am saddened that a television show from my youth will be disappearing. I think this might be the 2nd best moment of TRL history... (I can't find my favorite, but it still involves Mariah)!

PS this is back in the early 2000's when Mariah had her breakdown.

I guess TRL's pop bubble finally got popped.


AMezNewz said...

wow that is crazy they are taking that off the air. I never thought I would see that day come. It always seemed like it was a popular music show. So many greats have been on that show...AND Tokio Hotel! Ready Set GO. I guess as Amanda Bynes says in She's The Man, "THere comes a time for a man to move along Yvonne."

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