Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hometown Glory, Adele

First off, let me say that I highly recommend Adele, as a CD that everyone should have. Her voice is rich, can scale notes, and the music is lyrically deep.

So this might seem disjointed,and I feel no need to apologize. It's what my mind thinks about life:

Tonight something has arisen in me and I do not like it. I don't like the fact that I am the enemy when it is all because of what I believe. Someone has attacked me and I did nothing but sat there, being quieter than the Antarctic tundra, listening and clapping. I hate the fact that I am frustrated, and tired of ridiculous pride from an individual I do not even know.

To this I hope that solace and peace arises, much like smoke coming from a windmill.... slow and steady with the smell of change rising and signaling change.

I freaked out, only to find out everything was okay. Shaken but not stirred. Rain dripped from each brain cell as I realize how shallow life is.

I am frustrated that I rely so much on relationships that will eventually leave, with only syncopated memories that fit into the palm of my brain. Those that know me well, know that I am distant and guarded, wanting to fit in, but afraid to do so because.

I close in an unfolding dream surrounding me, as I fall from the spinning pedals around me, only to be picked up by a stranger I am still learning about. Morning Dew from the sky, fall which causes me to look to the northeast cloud, and find myself soaring, raging onwards. With each metric I fly in the sky only to discover, pebbles uncovered.


Jenny said...

Well written. - On a side note: I totally love you -let me know if there is anything I could do for you --- and please understand: there is nothing you could do that would change the high stats you have in my book - I hope things will even out for you!

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