Okay so I have to say today has been a interesting day and it's only beginning. As I sit here in the computer lab at school typing away at a paper, a couple comes and sits at the computers to the right of me. They hold hands and casually chatter as couples do, and I think little of them...
Until I take off my ear buds, because I hear someone crying. I cautiously look over and the girl is crying. Curious, I turn off my MP3 player and start to listen....
Apparently they have decided to break up, and it sounds like the guy was the one behind it.
I have now finished my paper after working for forty-five minutes, and they are still discussing the relationship. It is very interesting, and kinda of awkward because who breaks up in a computer lab with people around? But the ultimate is over text messaging. I know 2 people that this tragedy has happened to.
PS She asked him to stop checking his email and to look at her... B to the Czar!
That is sad and awkward. I hate hearing break up stories... especially a breaking off an engagement story ;)
with all the ways we have to communicate today - it's sad that we miss the most important ways to communicate.
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