Sunday, June 1, 2008

Explode, Nelly Furtado

I just wanted to point out the moral of the song featured above because some people do not understand it and/or forget it:

Be extra careful what you do or say, because you have no idea what people have gone through or are currently dealing with, because really you have no idea. AND if you think you do, then you are "stuck in the teenage waste."

As a good friend pointed out, some people forget the "think before you ask or say" clause. Just remember to be extra kind to everyone, even if what you see/hear does not match the person. Because really we are all here to succeed together, not independently.

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

End of Sermon.

If you do not have Nelly Furtado's Folklore CD, you should get it because it has remarkable lyrics and melodies that ease the burdens we call life.


lpettey said...

This happens to me all the time. Great post. I've been spiritually uplifted....

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