Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Come Back and Stay by James Morrison

So today I was thinking about past events and memories with different people, so please come back, and stay... awhile.

1) I happen to live by a polygamous community aka the compound. For some reason my friends, sisters, and I would find it entertaining to drive into the compound, and just look around. Sometimes they would come up to us and tell us we couldn't be there. Other times, they would chase our Big Red Van with tennis rackets, baseball bats, and fists. One time we went we had the van loaded with 10 people... or more... and one of the "adults" came up and talked to my mom who was the driver. The man was annoyed that we were there, so my mom made an excuse that we were lost, and needed directions. Everyone was quiet, and some tried to hide from the man's gaze. The moment my rolled up the window, laughter broke out and screams rose from the van filled with kids.

2) Have you been to Gilgal Park? If not it is a must. I went there one Sunday (Its open very weird hours!) with the same friends from the story above. As you walk in there are all these bricks with weird messages and scriptures. There is always the infamous Joseph Smith Sphinx.... Anywho after the visit we departed. Once we reached the main road, my sister realized that we were out of gas. Thankfully the big red van, had 2 gas tanks, so she switched over to the other tank, only to realize it was almost out of gas as well. Madness immediately followed, as teenagers decided if we should fill up on gas on a Sunday or not. It was decided that it was an emergency and that we needed to fill up! For some reason this memory always comes up on appropriate Sunday activities.


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