Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wait, Wait, Wait, The Format

I have serious issues when it comes to contests. This revelation came today as I was trying to win the Jason Mraz getaway to Hawaii. In order to win you had to guess the two correct seats and row on an airplane. Well the contest went on longer than they expected, and so last night they emailed out the correct seats and said the first time to try and win would be at 6 AM. So this morning at 5:50 AM I woke up hoping to win. I then waited, listened, practiced dialing on two phones, then waited some more, and a little longer...

7:11 AM rolls around and I was caller number 4 & 5, but someone else was caller ten. Then thankfully the person who was ten got the question incorrect. About an hour later I played again and was number nine. I was crushed.

My problem is this; I expect to win, and picture what I would do if I win. For example, if I won today's trip I planned who I would take, what we would see, how long we would sit on the beach, and how much Instigating we would do with the locals.

Maybe this is my last contest, after a dance contest or two. After all its been almost 17 years since I won my first contest on the Imagination Station!


lpettey said...

I feel your pain. I was caller 3 for the 8:00 hour. That stinks. Good job on getting number 9. I was number 9 on the Lifehouse concert and needed to be caller 10. Maybe they should change the lucky number to 9. We all seem to get that number everytime.

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