Friday, April 18, 2008

Makes Me Wanna Pray, Christina Aguilera

So last night I went to my favorite Christian Bookstore to look at their CDs, and to buy tickets with some friends for an upcoming concert at the Calvary Church. Before I went though, I was talking to someone, and they commented and asked why I wanted to go the bookstore and the concert? I have thought a lot about this:

For myself I have always hated the haters, especially when it comes to religion. On the "mish" I avoided chaotic talks with people about their views versus mine, as well as conversational bashing with companions. They accomplish nothing but waste time and place wedges in our lives. Alongside these conversations, I have received un-wanted "commentary" on some of my friends who are different from those commonly known in Utah, which makes me mad and sad. My beliefs are what they are, and really when it comes down to it religion is up to that particular person and their higher power, should they choose to accept that belief. My belief is that we are all here for a reason, and we need to find out what that is. In the process of doing so, it's important to love all those around us, even if they seem extreme, and with my Heavenly Father's love and will, anything is possible. I feel and I know so. Any questions?


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