Monday, November 24, 2008

Eh, Eh (Nothing Else To Say), Lady Gaga

I also had the opportunity to see Twilight this past weekend. Before I provide my review you might want to know that I tried to read the book, but I put it down after feeling like I was reading Craptacular of the year. Anywho I went with my cousin and It was interesting to say the least:
  1. Everyone had faces that made them look like they were a 6 year old pouting, or they were heavily constipated.... ALOT. What added to this "look" might be the overdone white powder makeup... I think the special effects director might have forgotten that he can digitally enhance faces. Hence the picture above.
  2. Crazy scenes: This category would be made of field trips to a greenhouse, flying in the air, playing the piano, vampires playing baseball, and a home video ballet.
  3. Catch Phrases: " Hey there spider monkey" "You're so cold," "Hey guys, I just asked Eric to the prom...."
  4. My gripe on Edward... He was not as beautiful as they appeared to make him. Also his accent drifted the entire movie. At times it was a new yorker braving the city life, and other times we went all the way back to Spamalot to see knights in shining armor... speaking of which his glittery face made me laugh... nuff said.
Overall the movie was a great comedy, and I think I might have annoyed the theatre goers around me as I laughed at the inappropriate moments.


MollyEmma said...




valpal said...

To bad we all aren't as smart as you, especially Stephenie Meyer. I am sure she would like your advise because then maybe she might become successful. Oh, and to bad that the Twilight series is not as sophisticated as HSM.

valpal said...

To bad we all aren't as smart as you, especially Stephenie Meyer. I am sure she would like your advise because then maybe she might become successful. Oh, and to bad that the Twilight series is not as sophisticated as HSM.

DeAnn said...

THAT was a great review. I too tried to read the books. The main characters whine way too much. But i was told after the first one to read the second one - it's much better. So I did! It took a long time because throughout the whole book I wanted to say to sweet Bella "Buck up and be a woman!" I am not excited for the movie since your review. Nothing like a pouty white face!

metcalfruf said...

what about the scene where edward smells bella for the first time...i never laughed so hard!

jo said...

smells bella?

I think I'll pass.

Thank you for your excellent review.

Carrie said...

Ah ha ha ha ha! It is so nice to hear someone who felt the same way I did. I think they stole the baseball scene from West Side Story and the sunlight stuff made him look like a 16-yo who just discovered glitter and clubbing. It was bad!!!! You should have been in the car with me and Andrea afterwards - we were cracking up making fun of the whole movie.

Angela's Crazy Daily's said...

COULD NOT AGREE MORE! and yet i HAD to see it twice!!!! Oh the torture!

Jen said...

haha I think you're a spider monkey

KYLe said...

Too bad valpal sucks at grammar and posting (a) comment on blogger.

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