Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm Here, Aly and AJ

Interestingly enough my internet has been up and down for the past couple days, so I haven't been as active online as I want, but I am here.

On Sunday Night/Monday Morning, I had one of the most frustrating and wonderful dreams I have ever had;

I was living in Los Angeles in a house with 9 other people, and we were contestants on this show called, American Idol. Parts of the dream had me walking around various boutiques looking for things to wear, laughing with contestants as we made fun of youtube videos, and practicing our songs with a vocal coach named "Birdie." We went over my song several times which was some weird country song from a musical. I hated it, but she said it was the only song that sounded okay since I couldn't hit high notes. I started to get really frustrated with the song, and started to scream, she came and put her arm around me, and said it was okay because "I was a good singer, but I wouldn't neccessarily win!" For some reason I started freaking out, because deep inside I just wanted to be on the show and sing for the audience... I did not want to win!
This cycle kept going as I talked with other contestants, and when I woke up, I have never been so sad and confused in my whole life!


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