Monday, October 4, 2010

Here I Am, Leona Lewis

Thanks to a friend, I got to see a screening of It's Kind of a Funny Story last week. Great dramedy that where many of the film's events reminded me of when I lived in Tacoma, Washington.

Several times a week when life slowed, my time was spent volunteering in a psychiatric group home. The film reminded me of the hilarious moments, as well as those experiences that revealed  we all need a little love and someone to talk to.  

The plot of the movie revolves around a teen boy who is depressed and rather than committing suicide checks himself into the psychiatric ward of a hospital. There he encounters some new friends and learns that the world is a better place when you do not try to force people out of your life. 

In one scene the boy talks to his psychiatrist, who shares the following quote:

- Reinhold Niebuhr -
 This quote resonated with me and I am trying to discover why...

How does one realize what things he/she can change? What do you take away from this quote? 


Jon said...

I cannot change the past. But I can change the future by what I do today.

I can change myself, my actions, behavior, attitude, perception, habits, addictions (over time), and even several physical features about myself. I cannot change the forces of nature. I cannot change the ideas and actions of others, but I can influence my family, friends, community, and anyone else within my reach. And oftentimes I owe it to them to try to influence them.

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