Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Have You Got it in You, Imogen Heap

Today's frustration has been brought to us by the word "Hello!WhatAreYouDoing?"

I was almost hit today by cars doing the following:
  • A car doing a U-turn next to a crosswalk when signs say it is not safe to.

  • A driver listening to his earbuds while driving and not seeing or hearing the ambulance heading towards us. I think he heard his tires screech to a stop though. FYI Utah has an all encompassing 'distracted driving' law that prohibits headphones.

  • If there are two left turn lanes, you have to go into the same lanes as you are turning. You CANNOT turn into any lane you choose.... This happened twice. TWICE today!

  • And most of all! Don't text and drive. period. If you absolutely have to chat on your phone keep it brief. Because most often you are not paying attention to the conversation or the road. This is not only frustrating for the other drivers but also the other person the receiving end!

If you do any of these behaviors please decide which one you are going to change starting today.

Funding for this program is provided in part, by The Corporation of Drive Intelligently, and by public television stations and their contributors.


Jon said...

I swear I've experienced that left turn injustice in your car 10 times more than in any other car. I think people don't see your car because it's not a minivan or a sedan. Stop driving a non-car and you'll be fine. ;-)

Unknown said...

This blog post is dedicated to a certain sister, who slammed her brakes on at an intersection this morning, witnessed by a milk truck driver, who then honked his air horn to get her attention. Said sister waved and drove on, sent truck driver a paragraph long text message and then sent me one... and then called me immediately after while she was doing her makeup?!?

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