Monday, June 14, 2010

Hallelujah, Paramore

Guess what's coming out this Friday? Toy Story 3. This is the first movie that I really have wanted to see this summer.

Top 3 reasons I am excited for this movie:

1) I am not sure why, but I have vivid memories associated with seeing the other two movies. When I saw the original feature I went with my friends Tyler and Britney. Somehow we decided to skip school, and conned one of our parents to drop us off in Scare Valley. We shopped at Media Play, and then proceeded to the movie theatre. You may not believe that I wasn't always pop culture knowledgeable, but before going into the movie, I had no idea what the movie was about. As I sat watching the opening sequence of the movie, I thought it was lame and that the graphics were awkward. By the end, I was in love with this new tale of two best friends.

2) It's Pixar, which means there is high quality in their story-telling and they actually want you to feel something*. I often think that I hide my heart by an igloo built around it. Because of this, very few things make me feel an emotion. *Not added to this list are Cars, Incredibles, Wall-E, and Finding Nemo. Snooze-ville.

One of the "feels" from the previous movies have been the relationship with toys and their owners. Going back eons ago, I sat and considered if my action figures would hate me if I stopped playing with them. I seriously thought they would be sad and that I would be forgotten in their eyes. I had issues with this for a while, but thanks to the Toy Story movies, this feeling of lost identity was released.

3) Thanks to my cousin with crazy connections, we were able to tour the Pixar Studio and see how it works. From the tour I learned that the animators are hard workers, but know how to play hard as well.One of the fun things that impressed me was their cafeteria that provides food anytime of the day! Also they set up a museum-like area from their next feature production. At the time it was Toy Story 3, so I am excited how the artwork, sketches, and fun projects translate to the movie.


Lisa P. said...

I am super excited! especially after going to disneyland and hudson being OBSESSED with toy story. (mostly toy story 2)...hopefully i'll see it on saturday:)

lpettey said...

Yes I love toy story. That is probably my favorite Pixar movie. Can't wait for it to come out.

AMezNewz said...

That would be a super fun tour!!!! How cool. I too, can't wait for that movie to come out.

Jon said...

I usually hate sequels and threequels, but Toy Story 2 was so good that I have high hopes for this movie.

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